Monday, August 30, 2010

Starbucks drinkers beware!

Today, a propos nothing in particular Mark sent me a link to this story: Catch A Cheating Spouse With An iPhone Tracking App

and a brief explanation:

“I think setting this up would be a good idea. Not because I think you’re cheating but if something goes wrong I can find you.”

This seemed like a perfectly noble gesture, so I took the liberty of reading the article. Which I think should be re-named “the rantings of a paranoid salesman”.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One more can't hurt

How could I resist?

Yes We Canberra

Aside from giving into our insanity, Kate and I also watched The Chaser's "Yes We Canberra" last night.

Here are two clips that nearly made me pee myself:


Saving the a roundabout way

Can I just set the record straight? Because I’d really like to. I’d really like to impart my wisdom on the ears of anyone who will listen…or on the eyes of someone who just accidentally stumbled onto this site. Hello there. You are welcome here. I like llamas but also strangers.

But I’m getting distracted.

Last night I went to visit my sister. This sounds pretty harmless, but what you’ve got to remember is that both of us are crazy. More dangerously, when we get together we allow our neuroticism to come slivering out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Abandon ship!

Quite a lot has happened since I was last on here. For one, my electorate completely ignored me and all common sense and voted for Joe Hockey. I mean, really?

Secondly, we’ve got a hung government on our hands and the fate of the country rests on three independents. Conservative independents. But I harbour some hope because they have promised to do what’s best for the nation and none of them have said that they will favour a backwards system that ignores infrastructure and throws billions of dollars towards middle-class welfare. I remain naively optimistic.

My guess is that everyone has heard and said everything there is to be heard and said about the election. And I don’t really have anything (much) to add.

What has been getting a bit of press – but not in the right direction – is the country’s youngest parliamentarian. Wyatt Roy is twenty years old and for now holds 52% of the vote in the seat of Longman.

Sweet, sweet revenge

This is the daily dinner routine for the cats in my parents’ household:

1) Kicia meows and screams until someone notices that Her Highness the Glutinous hasn’t been fed yet.

2) My mother drops everything she’s doing – including making herself some tea and relaxing – and pulls out two different types of sliced up meat (chicken and beef) from the fridge and puts some into Kicia’s bowl. She then takes a can of premium cat food and puts that into Kicia’s and into Hammie’s bowls. Then she tops up their dry food with three different types of premium dry food.

3) Kicia races over to her bowl, licks it clean, takes a moment to stare her hatred at the dry food and then races over to Hammie’s bowl at the opposite end of the kitchen.

4) She then proceeds to eat all of Hammie’s wet food as well, leaving him to nibble on the dry food.

5) If she’s eaten too much, too fast, she’ll throw up and then look at you – the person who is supposed to keep the house clean – in disgust. “What is my vomit still doing there? I threw that up whole seconds ago!”

6) All the while Hammie stands by, a little stunned, pondering what happened to his food.

But today...Today Hammie got to exact his revenge. If a cat could do an evil laugh, you’d better believe he’d be chuckling all over the place.

This morning Kicia made the mistake of leaving a little bit of food in her bowl and then taking a stroll outside.

Hammie stood at the window and watched as she crept her way through the garden. He followed her through the window all the way to the edge until he couldn’t see her anymore. Then he slivered his way over to her bowl and ate the remainder of her food.

Mwa ha ha (tell me you can hear that). Sweet, sweet revenge.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Joy ride

Today I got my car serviced or should I say I got cheated into driving around in an automatic Ford with a fifty litre engine for the afternoon. I mean you really know that you’ve hit Sydney’s west when your mechanic says “so you’ve brought your little Focus in for a tune-up, have you?” and then as a replacement courtesy car hands you the keys to something white, shiny, loud and lowered.

And I don’t mean that in any kind of offensive way.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Okay, I know what I want for Christmas:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It doesn’t get more romantic than this

Some people think that a sunset picnic is the epitome of romance. Not my body. Do you know what my body finds romantic? Bronchitis.
If that didn’t make you swoon, let me use my brush of unnecessary descriptiveness to paint you a picture:

On Friday Mark had to leave work early to prove that just because you’re passing out from illness doesn’t mean you have to abide by speed restrictions.

When he got home I forced him to down all sorts of herbal and honey-infused beverages and vegetable soups, all the while trying not to exert my knowledge on the subject of disease. After all Mark was ill and had a fever so I wasn’t about to rub it in his face that in Poland back in my day, kids didn’t have wimpy immunisations, they went ahead and lived through diseases, so yes I’ve had rubella, measles, mumps, chicken pox and just about every other sickness known to man.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Abbott embarrasses himself…again.

The country has been taken aback after Tony Abbott revealed he was “no tech-head”.

The revelation came after the opposition leader was quizzed about the Liberal Party’s plans for the national broadband scheme. Unable to answer basic questions about the development and speed of the network, Abbott said he was no Bill Gates.

However Abbott stood his ground saying that while he didn’t know what 12mbps was or how it compared to Julia Gillard’s 100mbps network, he could confirm that Ms Gillard was not Bill Gates either. He rammed the argument home by saying that Bill Gates was male and married.

Scrambling onto more familiar ground, the opposition leader went on to say that the broadband would be as powerful as the wrath of God, as fast as his reintroduction of Work Choices and that it would smoke Australia. The last comment was heavily applauded by his campaign sponsors fervent admirers, the tobacco industry.

But although Australians remain largely unimpressed, experts suspect that the gaffe may have had more to do with Abbott’s low IQ and general incompetence than with his lack of technical training.

In unrelated news, a small monkey delighted audiences at Taronga Zoo when it explained the simplicities of broadband.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I did not have sex with that woman

I’m here to dispel some rumours and set some things straight:
  1. I did not go to the moon.
  2. I did not discover a species of monkey alive on the moon.
  3. I did not name the moon monkey, “moon monkey”.
  4. If I had found a moon monkey on the moon I would most definitely call it “Barney”.
  5. It’s not that I think that monkeys – especially moon monkeys – should be called Barney, it’s just that I accidentally called a person named “Brendan” “Barney” and if there was a species of moon monkey called “Barney” I’d have a good reason for making the mistake. 
  6. If I wasn’t obligated to name a moon monkey “Barney”, I’d give it a perfectly respectable sci-fi name like “Xlexigon B”. 
  7. I didn’t spend the past week indoors thinking up names for a mythical species of moon monkey. Even if they have nipples made of coal.
  8. I spent last week traversing between Melbourne and Geelong. 
  9. Actually most of my time was spent in Geelong, eating.