Friday, April 30, 2010

Is that my laptop dripping?

I was going to make up for my recent blog negligence by posting something super positive. I was going to be upbeat because even though my knee is still acting like a stubborn teenager and holding a grudge against the rest of my body, my boss has very kindly allowed me to work from home. When I heard the news I could have jumped for joy. Except, of course, that I can't jump (or at least not without screaming violent profanities) so I didn't. I just basked in the knowledge that I could be comfortably drugged up (on pain killers) and writing at home.
I love my apartment. Even though it's small -- so small that sometimes Mark and I have to turn sideways to sidle past various objects to get where we want to go -- I wouldn't have it any other way.

At the moment the best part about my apartment is that I get to lie in bed, resting my leg, and do all of my writing and emailing from a stable (laptop) table. It's ingenious. And it turns out that when left with my laptop, complete silence and my loony thoughts, I'm actually very productive.

But today catastrophe struck. If you're wondering whether to be alarmed, yes. Do it. Be alarmed. Be very, very alarmed! "Why?" you might ask, "Why are you giving me anxiety on a Friday?" Because Mark spilled half a stein of orange juice on my netbook, that's why!

To be fair it wasn't his fault. There just wasn't enough room for his feet between the table and the chair that I'm currently using as a side table. They snagged, caused his body to wobble and the juice that he was holding to tip over, right onto the centre of my working existence.

Luckily, since I'm a very clumsy being, we always have some form of paper handy -- tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, etc -- to wipe up my mess. So it was with some swiftness and expertise that Mark demanded that I turn the laptop off, wiped it with toilet paper *and then sat it upside-down on a towel. And that's where it is now. It's stopped dripping, which I take to be a good sign, but I'm not confident that it will survive.

  • The toilet paper and guilty orange juice, post accident.

In the meantime I've been relegated to my faithful old uni laptop. It's not the fastest or brightest creation, but it does have Word and can (very slowly) access the internet. So if you're reading this post, it means that it's really exerted itself. Good laptop. Well done!

So there you have it. There's not much more to this story at present. I just really needed to tell the world (meaning my three readers) about today's woeful events. Thanks for listening.

*what an inglorious way to go...


Verity said...

oh no! lovely, had I known you were still at home we could have brought you lunch bean burritos today! silly me for not asking!! sucks about the lappy but at least you're dating a computer nerd, I'm sure he'll fix it for you :) xo

Agnes said...

Don't be silly, I should have said something (but in-between the laptop chaos and fearing that I'd never see the net again – a fear I never thought I'd have to face – I didn't even think about it). The computer nerd has been working on his "suck the acid out of the motherboard" skills so fingers crossed...I haven't attempted to resurrect the netbook. I think I need to have a bottle of wine handy...just in case...

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