A great thing about writing a book – which is what I hope will result out of the mountains of paper and post-it notes that I’m surrounding myself with – is that it’s transportable. With the right amount of chains, hooks and rope I knew I could tow my paper Everest behind the car without blocking up too much traffic.
So my best buds and I decided that we’d test Freddy’s suspension (yes I’m crazy, I name my cars.) and drove up to Diamond Beach.
It was a blissful weekend filled with all kinds of girly fun. We even put on facemasks. Facemasks! Next week I’m changing my name to Lady Frillybottom.
The down side of writing a book is that it looks deceptively easy, but it’s not and while I got a bit of research done while I was away, I had no internet connection and came back rested but with a panicked niggle bouncing around my stomach.
I’m not going to bore you with stories about how I spent the following week running around the house and pulling my hair out, but I’m back on top of things (or in denial about it) and mastering the comb-over well.
Thanks for asking.
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