Can somebody – anybody – please explain to me why some programs (Blogger and Microsoft Word I’m looking at you) have completely sporadic font FREAKOUTS?
I feel like this is knowledge that I should have gained at some point leading up to this day. Like someone should have pulled me aside at university and said “listen chahld, you doin’ this ahll wrohng. Leht me show you the way...”
That’s all it would have taken to prevent today. Which is the day that will henceforth be known by my German neighbours as “When That Crazy Bitch Finally Lost Her Shit And Pegged Her Computer Out The Window...Without Cleaning It First”.
Except, you’ll be happy to know, I didn’t go through with it. Even though it’s not a Mac and doesn’t make me want to lick it with my tongue (or any other body part).
The reason is, of course, that without a computer how can I solve the mystery of the random font? I can’t and now that I’ve kept it, could someone reward me by explaining to me why WHY WHY WHY Blogger and Word change random parts of font, spacing and layout without me specifically directing them to do so? Creative expression? Demonic possession? Rebellion?
I need to know.
If you're copying from Word to Blogger without cleaning your text first, that could be your problem. Remember that nutcase at KM who used to go off her tits at editors and journalists who didn't clean their copy in notepad before putting it online? She had a point :)
If that's not your problem, my second guess would be demonic possession.
No V, I alwasy go through notepad thanks to that adorable nutcase. And I talk about her gin fizzes in every AA class I attend...
Ok. So then, do you know any computer exorcists?
Mmm... 13 more weeks until I can have a gin fizz! And sushi! And eat my weight in soft cheese!!!
As for the demons, may I suggest
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