Look straight past the clumsily-cut tomatoes that would make
George Calombaris (from
MasterChef Australia) go into hand-smacking, spitting convulsions. “You’ve got to get those tomatoes thinly sliced or the world will burn up taking restaurants and truffle butter with it,” he’d say. Well, sorry George, Mark and I don’t own sharp knives. We prefer to bruise our vegetables.
Other than that (and a raw potato issue I’d rather not discuss), I think we did quite well. What you are seeing in this picture is the
potato, prosciutto, tomato and rocket pizza. We also made a barbecue meatlovers (no mystery who that was for) and a honey-caramelised onion and Swiss cheese pizza. Of course in all of our cooking excitement we only remembered to take a picture of the first one and we ate the rest with reckless abandon. I know what you’re thinking: that’s so typical from people who own blunt knives, like school during summer break: no class. And, of course, you would be right.
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