Thursday, June 24, 2010

I fear:

  1. That Tony Abbot will win the next election.
  2. That the people of Australia will be so focused on K-Rudd being forced out of his position that they won’t notice all of the good policies – like the mining tax – that still exist within the Labor party. 
  3. That Tony Abbot will win the next election.
  4. That my tooth will never stop hurting and I’ll be forced to grab a hammer and go to town on my jaw.
  5. That Tony Abbot will win the next election.
  6. That I’ll miss my ferry. Again. And will have to wait in the cold watching it sail away. Again.
  7. That Tony Abbot will win the next election.
  8. That when I go to the bathroom I’ll be met with more unflushed toilets. Is it really so hard to press that button? 
  9. That Tony Abbot will win the next election. 
  10. That Tony Abbot will win the next election.
  11. That Tony Abbot will win the next election. 
  12. That Tony Abbot will win the next election...
The world is a scary place right now.


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