So here’s the thing: I have curly hair and it has been raining for a good week now. Anybody with straight hair just flicked their tresses over their shoulder and looked out the window, “Really? It’s been raining? How weird that I didn’t notice”.
Anybody with curly hair just sighed and once again tried to ram their way through the door of the elevator. Didn’t work? Don’t worry, the air-con will eventually kill off the dampness, the hair will drop a fraction and you can get back onto stable ground.
Rain, condensation, humidity – anything to do with water – does bad things for curls. BAD THINGS. Don’t believe the ads that tell you it’s all because of the wrong shampoo. They are liars and when they go to hell they’ll get long curly hair and their punishment will be to get ready for an important meeting in a sauna. Oh yes it will.
Anyways, on a scale of curliness, my hair fits in somewhere between fuzz and ringlets. Actually it’s usually a mixture of both...just look at my photo (and it wasn’t even raining when that was taken). This week it has been raining EVERY SINGLE DAY. So you want to know what I look like? Do you? DO YOU?
Okay. Imagine if a sheep was slaughtered, rolled around in mud and then stuck lopsidedly onto my head. That’s what I wake up to every rainy morning and it is not pretty. The only thing I can do is to tuck the sheep away in a tight knot at the back of my head. I’m not going to go too much into the relative proportions of my giant head and the tiny knot of deflated fuzz, but let’s just say it isn’t attractive.
And that’s it really. I just thought I’d put it out there so when you see me approaching and think, “is that a balding man with a squirrel stuck on the back of his head?” you won’t judge me too harshly…
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