Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is our office dog Chino mere moments after he had accidentally stepped into the back of one of my colleague's knees and made her trip over. Have you ever seen an animal so apologetic, woeful and resolved to meet its fate? He actually has stress lines and wrinkles. (Lines and wrinkles you can see even through the fuzz of the shot; a fuzz that was caused because he was pacing from paw to paw and nervously shaking his tail as if to say, “Please don’t turn the vacuum cleaner on, I’m sorry!”)

Here he is a few minutes later, awaiting his sentence. He got loads of patting on the head and scratching under the chin and loads of people telling him that it wasn’t his fault. He has since taken refuge in the publisher’s office because you just can’t trust media types.


Tamara said...

Awww so cute. Yes I can see he is very sowwy.

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