Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our lot in life

Firstly, I’d like to start this post by pointing out that you know what they say about keeping New Year’s resolutions (it don't happen, fool). And since I’m very much in favour of supporting clichés - I believe they're important for sustaining critical cultural traditions and beliefs - it would have been utterly irresponsible of me to write on every weekday in 2012. Tomorrow I plan to rent a car and park it really slowly. I'll then haphazardly smash it into a tree.

Secondly, we’re very close to being homeless (again) and have been hitting the local real estate sites pretty hard in search of a place. We want a nice inner-city apartment with a kitchen and room for a little zebra finch (and three of his best friends). You think that wouldn’t be such a big ask. Munich disagrees. Munich is of the opinion that it’s fun to make us sweat, and it would be even more fun if I got a stress-induced stomach ulcer or shaved all my hair off in a fit of panic.

Speaking of which (hair, that is, not stomach ulcers, stress or shavers), I’ve decided to go platinum blonde. The idea is to look like this by the end:

 But since I’m starting out like this:

Me according to Mark 
It has to happen in stages. Stage one happened last weekend. I am now blondish. It's strange. For those interested: thus far I’m not having any more fun, although that’s bound to change over the coming months. When it does I won't notice because I'll be busy building a submarine with windshield wipers and giggling.

What else? What else?

Oh yeah, this

And this:

That pretty much brings you up to date.

Also Dumpling says, “Get me out of this prison!”

Ignore him. 


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