We received our first camera at my first communion a few days before coming to Australia. It was chunky (but not in a good way), simple, black and one of the best presents I’ve ever received. Ever.
One day when I persuade Kate to scan some images, you will thank me for the gold it produced. It was the camera that recorded my most awkward moments. And, coming from the girl who once got wedged between a train and the platform, that’s saying a lot.
But back to the photos my mother sent me, because they reveal three rather important things:
- My mother dressed us quite well, which just proves that any fashion choices made post age three were my fault. That means all expressions of disgust should be sent to me. And also to her because WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?! (This will make sense when you see me circa 1986-2001)
- There was a time when I wasn’t The Ugliest Child On Earth (the period I previously thought had lasted from age 2 until whenever it is that one ceases being a child). In fact, if you glance below, you'll note that I look rather cute as I coyly sniff my friend's ear. Not creepy at all three-year-old me.
- My face has not changed since I was three-ish. Looking at these pictures is like looking at a weird shrunken version of myself. Which actually explains why I spent so many years as The Ugliest Child On Earth.
4. I look as cute as Kate! This is important to me. I wouldn’t call it the single biggest achievement of my life, but then again it might be.
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