Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh happy days!

Hey everybody look at me I have my life together…kind of. I mean sure there are about a thousand (no, seriously, ABOUT A THOUSAND) things that I should be getting done right now. Not necessarily beginning with getting my local tax number so I can get paid for the teaching job I did in September, but yeah, that too.

But today I started the good, impressive life that is going to set the pace for the rest of my existence. I put washing away and put a load of washing on and actually sat and did my work rather than procrastinating, and let Dumpling out of his cage so he could spread his wings and fly…and shit on the washing I had just done. Funny thing about that – birds like washing lines. Dumpling LOVES our clotheshorse. As soon as he got let out he sat on it cooing. I think he’s in love.

Yesterday I would have been all “that’s not a big deal” and then thrown an iron at him, but today I have it together, so I just scraped the poo off before putting the clothes away.

Totally kidding. I set it on fire.

That’s not entirely true either. I actually got so caught up with work and Yuri-related dinner plans, that I totally forgot about the washing and it still hasn’t made it out of the washing machine. I have high hopes for tomorrow.

But I wasn’t lying about letting Dumpling out, or his love for the clotheshorse.  I think we might be hearing the pitter-patter of little wheels soon (my theory is that if a bird and clotheshorse mate, they produce a model airplane. It’s the only sensible expectation and almost entirely born of scientific reasoning. What I struggle with more is the question of whether the clotheshorse will lay eggs. I guess we’ll see soon enough.)

But yes, no real point to this rant so I’m going to awkwardly shuffle my feet and end it here. I hope you feel sufficiently disappointed.


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