Thursday, June 10, 2010


Maybe it’s my Friday brain setting in early or maybe I’m just high on cherry coke, but the thing is that I followed a link to a story entitled “Facebook addicts can't relate, says scientist Susan Greenfield” seeking to be enlightened. Considering the banal overly-descriptive headline, I assumed that the article would tell me about the effects of facebook on its users. Boy was I wrong.

Read the story yourself. If you’re too lazy, here’s my attempt at a summary:

The article states that facebook is destroying its users’ ability to empathise may be having an effect, but nobody knows what that is….but maybe it’s worth doing some research. And hey! In the UK more kids are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD…Dementia! Let’s find a cure! Everybody find an old person and hug them. Now bow. Bow before the wisdom!

How these points link together in one piece of writing is a question beyond me…and beyond the author of the story, actually. Because I’ll say it: the article sounds like it was written by an ADD kid and then proofread by someone with dementia. Wait. Was that the point? Because all I got was “Blah blah blah…something about facebook. THE ELDERLY WILL RULE! THEY WILL RULE”.

Thanks to Anita for supplying me with procrastination material.


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