Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Abbott embarrasses himself…again.

The country has been taken aback after Tony Abbott revealed he was “no tech-head”.

The revelation came after the opposition leader was quizzed about the Liberal Party’s plans for the national broadband scheme. Unable to answer basic questions about the development and speed of the network, Abbott said he was no Bill Gates.

However Abbott stood his ground saying that while he didn’t know what 12mbps was or how it compared to Julia Gillard’s 100mbps network, he could confirm that Ms Gillard was not Bill Gates either. He rammed the argument home by saying that Bill Gates was male and married.

Scrambling onto more familiar ground, the opposition leader went on to say that the broadband would be as powerful as the wrath of God, as fast as his reintroduction of Work Choices and that it would smoke Australia. The last comment was heavily applauded by his campaign sponsors fervent admirers, the tobacco industry.

But although Australians remain largely unimpressed, experts suspect that the gaffe may have had more to do with Abbott’s low IQ and general incompetence than with his lack of technical training.

In unrelated news, a small monkey delighted audiences at Taronga Zoo when it explained the simplicities of broadband.


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