I have found a site that meets all of my internet requirements. It is both informative and extremely insightful...or is that misinformed and slightly delusional? Oh who cares, in either case, it was just what I needed to brighten up my day.
The site I speak of is called Yes Australia (powerful!) and although it doesn't seem to have an "about us" section, I am moderately confident that it is the authority on living in Australia for Spanish-speaking visitors.
Here are some of my favourite quotes:
"Australians tend to follow each other a bit, like sheep on a hill." - good analogy! Wait. What? Don't worry, there's an explanation:
"This happens because of the stability of Australian Institutions and the strong economy." Ahhhh...
"For example, since the beginning of 2003 there has been a boom in the housing market, which has made thousands of Australians buy and sell homes for investment. The result has been that so many people did it created a steep rise in house prices."For a couple of months every single place I went, the talk was about houses. Because of this stability, Australians tend to plan for the long term, which can make life a little bit boring sometimes."
And the question on all visitors' lips: are Australians competitive?
"In reality, Australia is considered one of the most competitive nations on Earth."
So you can tell your imaginary friend he was wrong! Use this helpful example to back up your argument:
"Australians surfers broke a long-term hold on the Surf Scene by the Americans and Hawaiians, and today there is not a single international contest without at least many Aussies running in top position."
So what of Aussie pastimes, like going to the movies?
"Cinemas in Australia are disappearing from the streets and are moving to inside Shopping Centres. Most are now divided in many smaller theatres, showing 3 or 4 different movies at the same time."
But don't worry. If you can locate these disappearing cinemas, a thrilling discovery awaits you:
"Thursdays have become a big day out in Australia, cause the Shopping Centres are open for extended hours; 9pm instead of the regular 5pm. Young people use this time to catch up on gossip!"
What about the beaches? Am I okay to wear a bikini?
"At the beach it is more common to wear shorts than Speedos or bikinis, for both, males and females. Australians don't like to show off their bodies pretty much, still a consequence from the 1900's, when it was prohibited to have a swim in the ocean and wear nothing that could permit a tan on your skin."
If you have some time, read this site. It is incredibly insightful.
The only thing I'm pondering now is whether it was written by:
a) Pauline Hanson
b) An ex rugby league player
c) A drunk child
Moss Wood Cabernet Sauvignon
15 hours ago
How could I resist a visit to the 'Dangerous Animals' page. Love the last line.
"Curiosity: Some years ago, a Cyclone was forming on the Pacific Ocean, far away from the shore. At the same time an unusual migration of box jellyfish, to rivers and mangroves in the region was filmed. The sea became literally free of jellyfish. This fact attracted Scientists' attention; despite knowing about the Cyclone, they had no idea which direction it was heading in, or even if it was going to dissolve somewhere in the Pacific. The fact is that 48 hours later, the region suffered one of the worse Cyclones in history. How the box jellyfish had a previous knowledge about the event is still a mystery."
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