Friday, March 26, 2010

To my blog, on being a bad partner

I'm sorry. I've been neglecting you.

No, don't give me that look. I know you're disappointed and that your pages have been missing my erratic - often slightly brutish - touch.

You don't need to remind me how much has happened in the world while I've been missing. For one, a giant dog may have set a new world record.

The Guinness jury is still out, but at seven foot this could be the biggest dog in the world.

Pretty impressive.

In other exciting developments, a new species of human has been found in Siberia.

A Dr Krause and his team found a finger which they swiftly put through DNA testing and discovered was rather old and belonged to a species of human that slid somewhere between the Homo Erectus and the Neanderthal.

Not only is this an exciting development for the scientific world, but also a story in which the journalist decided to flex her poetic muscle:

"The extraordinary find brings to four the number of human species thought to have roamed the earth at the time."

Smiled my heart, when my eyes that sentence read.

I'm also particularly fond of the reaction of the scientist who Dr Krause called with his discovery:
"At first I didn't really believe him, I thought he was pulling my leg," said Professor Paabo.

I like how this sentence suggest that this group of scientists (who, I should mention, dubbed the ancient owner of the digit "X-woman") pull crazy pranks on each other all the time...and that a call regarding a discovered finger could substantiate just such a hilarious prank.

Sometimes I wish that I was a scientist. Journalism can be so lacklustre and humourless sometimes. I can't remember the last time someone called me to say they'd discovered a severed piece of human anatomy and wanted me to examine it. Where's the laughter? Where's the joy?


dempsej said...

Not only Your blog missed new entries ;]

Agnes said...

Awww shucks...and sorry for being so negligent.

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