Thursday, June 23, 2011

Styrofoam styrofab

A few days ago. Or was it weeks? Who’s keeping track anyway? I was trying to find pictures of homemade Styrofoam gaiters, so that I could, in the most descriptive, graphic way possible, share my childhood humiliation with whoever wanted to laugh at me.

You’ll be as shocked as I was, I’m sure, when I tell you that there are no pictures of homemade Styrofoam gaiters on the internet. None.

This of course means that my parents are evil geniuses and should be put in charge of the next Saw film because, dudes, they know a thing or two about torture.

Some of the things that did come up in my various searches included:

One life-size Styrofoam  four-wheel drive:

Loads of Styrofoam robots:

A kitten in Styrofoam

And this guy (WTF?):
I think the pictures speak for themselves...


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